Yesterday my friend Sue and I went to Old Orchard Beach to visit my backyard beach...she had an unfortunate incident occur while admiring the view.
13 years ago
Yesterday my friend Sue and I went to Old Orchard Beach to visit my backyard beach...she had an unfortunate incident occur while admiring the view.
Some have asked me why do I create a movie about Africa. I reply, "Why not?" I love the breathtaking views of the various landscapes; the remarkable sights of the wildlife; and the moving images of its people. I have a friend whose dream it is to become a nurse practicioner and work in Africa for Doctors Without Borders. I cannot think of many dreams that are nobler than that. I hope to visit my friend one day to view the lives she will change with such a labor of love. It is a fine thing to say to someone "Someday, I will come to see you in Africa."